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Re: [Full-disclosure] [OT] Obama said: "American people understand that not everybody's been following the rules"

On 10/14/2011 8:21 PM, Christian Sciberras wrote:
You think I'm biting that?

Skinny and "under-age" is just about everything you could come up with. Congrats for creativity.

Just because two of you decided you found common grounds for insult doesn't mean you're god-almighty-indisputably-right in every piece of shit you come up with. Did I mention it's shit?

With that, I give you one, you have a point, I should have stopped responding ever since some guy decided to equate a couple dozen of people into America's 1%.

Strange, thought security guys would have been better with numbers...

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 2:32 AM, Laurelai <laurelai@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laurelai@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 10/14/2011 6:32 PM, xD 0x41 wrote:
    Cristiano , per favor' mi dai dieci minuti scusa mi ma, e'
    essentiale ..
    You really dont realise how much, you attack others when they
    post, NOMATTER what the topic... yet you are still wondering why
    somany people seem to despise your skinny little nerdy ass...
    well, nerdy isnt bad, but, your a downright lookalike for mr.Bean
    aka rowan atkinson. You could maybe do his stunts, to ?
    Your the one who is usually abusing others, before the finality
    wich is simply adults not reesponding, to the baby whos crying
    out for more aarguements.
    You should stfu, and learn more, you assume to know all, in every
    post, your the brain, yet you are lame, i looked everything up
    abiout you, and yes, go ahead, and setup a nice wordpress secure
    setting, php wise to,  then yes, id maybe hink your atleast a
    halfwit ;)
    Anyhow, your basically a tr0ll, and, you seem to keep goading,
    even AFTER the others, have completely stopped responding to you,
    simply because, Laurelai was right, why would anyone want to keep
    up a thread wich has now turned malign, as i forsaw a week ago,
    but, i did not think it would even make a week, People like you,
    keep inspiring the flame to burn brighter.. wich to me, is
    nastier than any *abuse* names, wich, you clearly have not
    counted howmany times you have actually called others, some form
    of rude name/word/personal attack.
    Maybe when you GROW UP, and behave as an adult, then I would
    assume the list will start to hear you, even through the bs.
    Anyhow, i applaud you, for *coming out* as to say, I mean,
    putting your pic up, like that, mate, you could be a pornstar!
    what you doin online :P~~~bahahaha
    go back to grade.2 then repeate it, then move on... then, if you
    work out how to call 911, call someone who gives a shit.
    Idiotic kid, grow the hell up.

    // IND SEC CONSILTANT FOR Yep yep Security (simply coz it sounds
    good) YEP YEP for all your Hat attire needs!

    On 15 October 2011 08:57, Christian Sciberras <uuf6429@xxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:uuf6429@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Yeah, let's just all ignore low insults. The world would be a
        much better place without them and whoever said them in the
        first place...

        On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Laurelai
        <laurelai@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:laurelai@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            On 10/14/2011 2:25 PM, Christian Sciberras wrote:
            Resorting to personal attacks? Nice.

            Technical skills in what? Running a wordpress blog?
            Defacing a website? Growing pot?

            I rarely publicise any materials, most of the time I
            just tell whoever is responsible to do a fix.
            I'm not really running after publicity, unlike you guys.
            Also note that I never said I'm a seasoned hacker... in
            fact, my occupation is quite on the opposite side of the

            You also seem to know more than I do what the Ubuntu VM
            I have contains.

            But that must make all the difference! I mean, people
            that don't know qubits from bits shouldn't be allowed in
            such discussions
            (of course there's wikipedia...)

            On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Georgi Guninski
            <guninski@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:guninski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>

                Christian Sciberras,

                I have trouble judging your technical skills - all I
                have seen is bad smalltalk.

                Do you have any technical publications you can share
                so I can judge?

                btw, the best i found was you could could reproduce
                a bug in a CMS and in addition you can't tell root
                from user password on vanilla ubuntu.


                On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 02:11:13AM +0200, Christian
                Sciberras wrote:
                > > So if they cause damage for profit that makes it ok?
                > No. But it's certainly better than doing damage
                without profit. Making
                > profit means that at the end of the day, the
                money's going to go somewhere
                > further in the chain.
                > Flattening a tower, for instance, or attacking the
                local bank that refused
                > to give you a loan because of the time you spent
                in a cell, isn't as
                > productive.
                > Neither is it making a company loose
                clients/profit just because they
                > decided they don't want you to use their services
                (as if you did have a
                > right in the first place...).
                > > And yes I acknowledge the American public has a
                measure of responsibility
                > in the situation too, human beings are by nature
                imperfect, but the largest
                > share of responsibility lies with the names listed
                > The largest share? I can see Ex-president Bush
                trying to sell you a bottle
                > of beer for $10 dollars ($7 profit). Wait, I can't.
                > > That sort of thing has happened to me and I paid
                back every dime of it,
                > most people are decent human beings and would do
                the same.
                > Most people? I could have sworn 90% of the people
                in the NYC subway would
                > thank $deity if you suddenly dropped dead so they
                could get things off you.
                > Call me cynical, but I wouldn't trust anyone else
                in such cases, other than
                > myself.
                > Regarding that list of yours, great! Now we just
                need a little more effort.
                > For each of those persons, please enlighten us as
                to what they did legally
                > wrong.
                > Of course, the people that landed in jail
                shouldn't be counted. The "99%
                > protest" is a modern one committed to change, it
                just can't right wrongs by
                > pointing at jailed people.
                > On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 11:35 PM, Laurelai
                <mailto:laurelai@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
                > >  On 10/13/2011 9:18 AM, Christian Sciberras wrote:
                > >
                > > I simply acknowledge the fact that some people
                work hard to get "obscenely
                > > rich", but I just can't stand people that cause
                damage for the fun of it.
                > >
                > >  So if they cause damage for profit that makes
                it ok?
                > >
                > >  Yes, I stick for everyone that minds his
                business, instead of ruining
                > > others' for the fun of it.
                > >
                > >  What bothers me is the fact that those
                hypocrites (protesters) are crying
                > > out loud against some people they're highly
                envious of with the excuse of
                > > "the depression".
                > > Well, here's the news; the famous depression has
                been brought about by
                > > these same people!
                > >
                > >
                > > And yes I acknowledge the American public has a
                measure of responsibility
                > > in the situation too, human beings are by nature
                imperfect, but the largest
                > > share of responsibility lies with the names
                listed below.
                > >
                > >
                > >
                > >
                > >  If someone above is collecting free money
                because of incentives for
                > > people to spend money (and which seem to work
                well), I can't blame him.
                > >
                > >  Yes because trickle down theory worked *so* well
                > >
                > >  How many times in your life have you paid back
                something you received by
                > > mistake and which wasn't yours?
                > > While I would foremost applaud anyone that would
                right such a wrong, I just
                > > can't ignore the fact that those people out
                there representing the "99%" are
                > > big-time hypocrites.
                > >
                > > That sort of thing has happened to me and I paid
                back every dime of it,
                > > most people are decent human beings and would do
                the same.
                > >
                > >
                > >  On a different argument, since you seem to know
                well enough how some of
                > > the 1% are doing immoral things, why don't you
                start by handing out names
                > > instead of talking air just as the "99%" crowd
                has been doing up till now?
                > >
                > > *Alan Greenspan, chairman of US Federal Reserve
                1987- 2006
                > > **Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England
                > > **Bill Clinton, former US president*
                > > *Gordon Brown, prime minister*
                > > *George W Bush, former US president*
                > > *Senator Phil Gramm
                > > **Abby Cohen, Goldman Sachs chief US strategist
                > > **Kathleen Corbet, former CEO, Standard & Poor's
                > > **"Hank" Greenberg, AIG insurance group
                > > **Andy Hornby, former HBOS boss
                > > **Steve Crawshaw, former B&B boss
                > > **Adam Applegarth, former Northern Rock boss
                > > **Dick Fuld, Lehman Brothers chief executive
                > > **Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin
                > > **Lewis Ranieri
                > > **Joseph Cassano, AIG Financial Products
                > > **Chuck Prince, former Citi boss
                > > **Angelo Mozilo, Countrywide Financial
                > > **Stan O'Neal, former boss of Merrill Lynch*
                > > *Jimmy Cayne, former Bear Stearns boss
                > > **Christopher Dodd, chairman, Senate banking
                committee (Democrat)
                > > **Geir Haarde, Icelandic prime minister
                > > **John Tiner, FSA chief executive, 2003-07*
                > >
                > >
                > > Oh yeah and lets not forget about this guy
                > >
                > > And while he is thankfully spending time in a
                prison cell, so many other
                > > names on this list go free, in fact a good chunk
                of them made a profit off
                > > of the disaster.
                > >
                > >
                > >

                > _______________________________________________
                > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
                > Charter:
                > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

            Lets keep the discussion above the belt guys ok?

        Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
        Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
        Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

    Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
    Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -http://secunia.com/
    Whats wrong with being skinny? *ducks*

    Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
    Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
    Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

I was actually talking to Xd as im rather skinny myself :s
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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