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Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE exploit runs code from graphics?

I have not built up or run a full suite of tests on Mozilla, but overall it does seem Mozilla is less vulnerable. Now one could always post to one of the Mozilla or Firefox fora asking what is done about such and such a vulnerability as they should be paying attention to them.

Overall I find that Mozilla especially Firefox is more well
protected. This sort of inspires me to post to the Mozilla
fora and ask.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

Jimmy Mitchener wrote:

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 11:52:08 +0530, Aditya, ALD [ Aditya Lalit
Deshmukh ] <aditya.deshmukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

files (.CHM) from some web site, causing the HTML code inside the .CHM
to be run in the "My Computer" security zone. Typically (like all but
one of _dozens and dozens_ of these I've seen) the "inner" HTML run

this is one of the _dozens and dozens_ reasons to use mozilla on untrusted sites and use ie to access internal websites if they do depend of some ie features but set the default browser to mozilla so that when ever the user cliks something it opens in mozilla

Why would you assume Mozilla is any less vulnerable? Perhaps not
publicly, it is simply not as large of a target as IE. You should
really not be browsing on an "important" system no matter what. Unless
perhaps you have systrace or SELinux guarding it (which even then is
not 100%).


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