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Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE exploit runs code from graphics?

> files (.CHM) from some web site, causing the HTML code inside the .CHM 
> to be run in the "My Computer" security zone.  Typically (like all but 
> one of _dozens and dozens_ of these I've seen) the "inner" HTML run 

this is one of the  _dozens and dozens_  reasons to use mozilla on untrusted 
sites and use ie to access internal websites if they do depend of some ie 
features but set the default browser to mozilla so that when ever the user 
cliks something it opens in mozilla 

> That is hardly the same thing as "embedded code hidden in graphics on 
> Web pages", but I can easily imagine a naïve journalist getting 
> confused over such technical issues or a company representative 
> hankering for some media exposure over-selling the seriousness or 
> novelty of what they "discovered"...

and these are the people who raise the script kiddies to "elite hackers!"



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