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[Full-Disclosure] Re: Knocking Microsoft

> and now they try to make it secure. UNIX was made to be secure, and
> now they are adding colours.

This is not true.  UNIX was not  made to be secure.  Any UNIX security
history book will tell you that.

Just because you run UNIX does not make you immune to attacks.  Linux,
with it's world  domination kick, is recruiting more  and more windows
admins to it's  ranks.  You think that these same  windows, now linux,
admins are going to do a  better job at securing their systems?  These
same  admins who  can not  apply patches  before the  next major  worm

apt-get update is easy, so is clicking on windows update...

I  think people  are  doing a  disservice by  claiming  that linux  is
something it is not, or more accurately, generalizing all UNIX's to be

<t f l a t @ u n i x n i n j a . u s>
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