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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Knocking Microsoft

Linux/Unix just has to be more sercure then Windows..;)

Also as for lame admins.. Yes there are some when it comes to unix/Linux.. 
However, when the base OS is more secure then Windows it's not as painful 
to the rest of us..


On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, James F. Wilkus wrote:

> > and now they try to make it secure. UNIX was made to be secure, and
> > now they are adding colours.
> This is not true.  UNIX was not  made to be secure.  Any UNIX security
> history book will tell you that.
> Just because you run UNIX does not make you immune to attacks.  Linux,
> with it's world  domination kick, is recruiting more  and more windows
> admins to it's  ranks.  You think that these same  windows, now linux,
> admins are going to do a  better job at securing their systems?  These
> same  admins who  can not  apply patches  before the  next major  worm
> strikes?
> apt-get update is easy, so is clicking on windows update...
> I  think people  are  doing a  disservice by  claiming  that linux  is
> something it is not, or more accurately, generalizing all UNIX's to be
> secure.

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