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Re: [Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household

On Mon October 13 2003 09:25, security snot wrote:
> Anyone who works on the OpenBSD project (except those many
> developers who only sign up to add subtle backdoors to the code as
> a joke) is a scriptkiddie.  Anyone who buys into the hype that
> OpenBSD is proactively secure is a scriptkiddie (unless their
> perspective on proactive security is fixing various bugs they
> introduce when someone else points them out).

No remote root access on install: No users, no root login.
How secure.

You know, as an added precaution, you could also unplug it without 
losing any functionality.

> Let me demonstrate the proactive security practices of the OpenBSD
> team at it's finest.
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-misc&m=106523413529618&w=2
> Must I spell it out for you?  Proactively secure!
> Scriptkids are individuals who involve themselves in the facade of
> computer security, who don't have any technical background or
> skills in the area.  People who buy into the hype of the
> buzzword-of-the-day security tools fall into this category.  People
> who develop these tools and believe their merit are also
> scriptkids.
> OpenBSD, the proactively scriptkid friendly operating system.
> "We know our target audience and their needs."
>       -Theo
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> "Whitehat by day, booger at night - I'm the security snot."
> - CISSP / CCNA / A+ Certified - www.unixclan.net/~booger/ -
> -----------------------------------------------------------

Fucking suitkiddies.

> On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Matt Carlson wrote:
> > These question is off topic, I realize this, but please bear with
> > me.
> >
> > 1. What exactly defines a "script kiddie"?
> >
> > 2. Does using a port scanner make you a "script kiddie" since you
> > yourself did not write the code?
> >
> > 3. Does it make you a script kiddie because it is a means of
> > exploitation?

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