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Re: [Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 07:25:32 PDT, security snot said:

> Let me demonstrate the proactive security practices of the OpenBSD team at
> it's finest.
>   http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-misc&m=106523413529618&w=2
> Must I spell it out for you?  Proactively secure!

Odd.  All I see there is Theo saying that he's deleted the patch and taken 
"because it DOES matter", and that the guilty party is free to resubmit the 
*done correctly* (i.e. with all the proper documentation/commentary).

And yes, that's being *PRO*actively secure.  Theo isn't letting crap into the
tree unless there's a proper audit trail and documentation.  Yes, there may be
some really good reason that the person feels "this fix has to go out RIGHT 
but said person isn't balancing "it can wait 2 frikking hours while the 
gets done *right*" and "3 years from now the lack of paperwork will come back 
bite them on the collective ass".

Yes, Theo can be an abrasive asshole when he wants to.  But in the cited 
article, he's
in the right.

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