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Re: [Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household
- To: Matt Carlson <saryon@swbell.net>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] OT: An odd question that has arrisen within my household
- From: security snot <booger@unixclan.net>
- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 07:25:32 -0700 (PDT)
Anyone who works on the OpenBSD project (except those many developers who
only sign up to add subtle backdoors to the code as a joke) is a
scriptkiddie. Anyone who buys into the hype that OpenBSD is proactively
secure is a scriptkiddie (unless their perspective on proactive security
is fixing various bugs they introduce when someone else points them out).
Let me demonstrate the proactive security practices of the OpenBSD team at
it's finest.
Must I spell it out for you? Proactively secure!
Scriptkids are individuals who involve themselves in the facade of
computer security, who don't have any technical background or skills in
the area. People who buy into the hype of the buzzword-of-the-day
security tools fall into this category. People who develop these tools
and believe their merit are also scriptkids.
OpenBSD, the proactively scriptkid friendly operating system.
"We know our target audience and their needs."
"Whitehat by day, booger at night - I'm the security snot."
- CISSP / CCNA / A+ Certified - www.unixclan.net/~booger/ -
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, Matt Carlson wrote:
> These question is off topic, I realize this, but please bear with me.
> 1. What exactly defines a "script kiddie"?
> 2. Does using a port scanner make you a "script kiddie" since you
> yourself did not write the code?
> 3. Does it make you a script kiddie because it is a means of exploitation?
> Matt Carlson
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