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[port139ml:03996] Virtual PC for Windows

ども、根暗井です ^^)

MYCOM PC WEB を読んでたらこんな記事を見つけました。

米MS、Virtual PC for Windows 5.2の試用版を公開

MS のサイトに行って FAQ を読んで見ると...

Q. Can I purchase Connectix Virtual PC for Windows after
   the end of the transition period?

A. Connectix Virtual PC for Windows will not be made available
   for sale after August 18, 2003. Until Microsoft releases
   the new Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 product in late 2003,
   there will not be a Virtual PC for Windows product in the
   Microsoft distribution channel.
   However, a 45-day free evaluation of Virtual PC for Windows
   can be downloaded at www.microsoft.com/virtualpc,
   and Microsoft will make Connectix Virtual PC for Windows
   available for download through the MSDN program
   (http://msdn.microsoft.com/) following August 18, 2003.
   Please note that MDSN Subscriptions are licensed for
   a single user, and all products that ship in MSDN
   Subscriptions are for development and test purposes only,
   and cannot be used in a live production environment.
   Please refer to the MSDN site for detailed usage terms.

落とせるようになってたんだと思いつつ MSDN のほうを見に行くと...
ありました ^^;  10 日間も気づかないとはだめだめだなぁ...

さっそく某rootkitの検出実験をきぼんぬ、とか言ってみるテスト :-)
VMware に比べてどういう動きをするんだろう?

                                        By  根暗井
------- 根暗井 == 櫻井 -------- (E-mail : nekurai@xxxxx) -------
動作可能 OS に linux があるのに FreeBSD がないのはなんでだろ...