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[Full-disclosure] CALEA & Re: XKeyscore
- To: "michal@xxxxxxxxx" <michal@xxxxxxxxx>, "tborland1@xxxxxxxxx" <tborland1@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] CALEA & Re: XKeyscore
- From: Pedro Luis Karrasquillo <peter_toyota@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 09:07:19 -0400
That was really funny and tongue-in-cheek, michal!
I really enjoyed your response, put a grin in my face in this grimy Monday...
you encourage me to turn off the digest delivery and receive the responses as
they happen instead... great list to receive real time if you are into S&M and
getting trolled hard by very smart people!
On slide 7 they show a red dot over Venezuela. You think Chavez let the spooks
tap into the fiber there too? Where does the fiber tap connect to? Oh wait,
there is a red dot over Moscow too...
tborland nailed it with the links he sent... you do not need tons of copper,
glass mirrors, nor Mulder & Scully on the case to do this. No need to ship
immediate data to Utah or any other central location either. Data could be
indexed locally and only the relevant keywords posted to C&C. Ever heard of
distributed computing? Nobody dumps CDR data to tape to hand it over to
mediation any more. Oh, wait... the DACS is still connected to that Okidata Dot
matrix printer and the ink tape needs to be changed... bye.
Keep your ideas coming people!
Next thing we need to discuss is, Slide 18 "Show me all VPN startups, give me
the data so I can decrypt and discover users" What can they decrypt? Surely
this does not mean that the infamous "all encryption algorithms have a
backdoor" urban legend is true? I think this XK presentation is mostly
marketing and PR bullshit to sell to DoD know-nothings than what its worth.
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: tborland1@xxxxxxxxx
CC: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: michal@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 19:39:57 -0500
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] XKeyscore sees 'nearly EVERYTHING you do
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Michal Purzynski <michal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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