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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Fwd: Re: windows future]

On Thursday 27 August 2009 13:33:37 Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
> But that's the same on my Mac and Ubuntu distro too.  The first user is the
> admin.  Granted, the default behavior on Mac/nix requires the admin
> password

That's a big difference. Entering a password counts as more of a deterrence. 
Having seen my co-workers on their home machines, it's pretty clear that it's 
too easy to click OK without thinking. Entering a password, especially when 
the prompt doesn't occur as often as the UAC prompt is a more significant 
action. Personally, I prefer arrangements where the administrator uses a 
separate password. Not only do you need a password, but it's a different one. 
It's seldom used. The end user probably has to go look it up. I'm not a big 
fan of sudo.

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