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Re: [Full-disclosure] SSH brute force blocking tool


On Mon, 2006-11-27 at 16:21 -0500, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> Nope, I'm wrong, just the literal string "`/sbin/halt`", which you
> never exec.

Well, he does in the iptables command

> Mea culpa. Tavis's exploit doesn't so scary things, although he's
> right you should really be doing a bit more sanitization of (evil)
> user-supplied input, given that you're (insisting that you) run as
> root.

Another nice use of this vulnerability is of course the possibility to
blacklist arbitrary IPs (even better: if you have DNS for your local
names, or mDNS, you can e.g. blacklist the workstation of the admin so
he can't log in anymore)

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