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Re: [Full-disclosure] Sasser or other nasty worm needed

On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 13:36:39 EST, "K F (lists)" said:
> Dude... settle the hell down.
> I see little problem with this guy doing this on a closed LAN in a lab 
> setting. What part of CLOSED LAB did you miss? Its not like he is 
> intentionally letting it loose on the entire school LAN.

You would have us believe that the guy is clued enough to run a "closed
lab" without screwing up (and there's *lots* of ways to screw up, starting
with forgetting to wipe the drives afterwards, forgetting to disable a
wireless card, forgetting to not plug any of the boxes into the normal net,
forgetting to...).

And yet he's not clued enough to know how to find a copy of Sasser by himself.

There are a lot of people who are of the opinion that "if you have to ask
where to find a copy of Sasser, you're not clued enough to be trusted with
a copy".

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