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Re: [Full-disclosure] Tool Release - Tor Blocker

Bill Weiss(houdini+full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx)@Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 
11:15:58PM +0000:
> 3) I think you've just suggested giving a webpage (one which may be
> hostile towards your goals) control over who can and cannot access your
> web server.  What happens if one day that CGI hands you a list containing
> every IP in your /24?  I know that, if I ran said webpage, I would be
> tempted to do so every once in a while.

3b) A more crafty (less hostile) person at that webpage could just give
you a huge list.  strcmp() over 1m list items on every webpage hit?
Sounds like fun!

Bill Weiss

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