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Re: [Full-disclosure] Tool Release - Tor Blocker

On Fri, 02 Jun 2006 23:47:38 CDT, str0ke said:
> Umm what about the new ip addresses that are added to the tor network?
> http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/exit.pl?sortbw=1&addr=1&textonly=1

Ahh.. there we go.  Now a wget of that every once in a while, and a little
bit of Perl kung-foo to build an 'addrs.h' file that gets #include'ed and
then rebuild the module, and we're getting closer. ;)

(And don't forget to throw out any alleged exit addresses in your own
address space, and any other addresses you really don't want to block.
It's embarassing when a clever hacker uses your own security routines to
DoS you ;)

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