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Re: [Full-disclosure] Shell accounts

Thanks for your answer.
Exactly the info I was hoping to get.

Ian t

From: "Anthony Ettinger" <aettinger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Ian stuart Turnbull" <ian.t7@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Shell accounts
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:32:12 -0700
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simply having a shell account does in itself gaurantee anonymity.

Whatever you read was probably talking about tunnelling. so you
connected to target host via N number of hops (other shell accounts on
different boxes). Doing a trace would require logs from N number of

This is more or less what the tor.eff.org network does, I believe with
only 3 hops though + encryption between tor nodes. There are some
give-aways though with tor, like DNS leakage which may or may not give
you away.

On 4/11/06, Ian stuart Turnbull <ian.t7@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry folks,
> my inquisitiveness has got the better of me again.
> After reading some info on hacking it refernces getting a Shell account.
> Is this a unix type bash/bourne shell? It mentions that to remain anonymous > you will need a Shell account. I know there are a number of places offering
> free shell accts some with an out to the internet others without.
> Suppose I had a friend who had a Linux connected to the internet and I got > him to set me up a username. As long as his machine didn't do any logging > [and he pretended not to know of anyone using this account] would I - using
> sssh to connect] be traceable.
> No I'm not planning on doing any hacking or causing mischief. Though I'd
> love to know who's trying to get into my machine... but thats another
> story!!
> Ian t
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Anthony Ettinger
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