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Re: [Full-disclosure] BANTOWN PRESENTS: Give me 0day or give me death

On 12/17/05, Andrew A <gluttony@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  I present to you the Eleatic school of hacker ethics.
> ... If your computer has been
> programmed to accept my arbitrary code, then there is no moral or ethical
> violation committed when I introduce my code to yours.

sounds good to me, but for pragmatic reasons.  all this bullshit
firewall/IDS/$snake_oil isn't working as advertised (but a false sense
of security so comforting).  perhaps that 7th or 8th remote
root/enable prompt exploit will open their eyes.

your approach may usher in the requisite least privilege based
capability model for network security that would actually be worth a
shit.  (of course, identity management will probably still suck, so
maybe this is wishful thinking...)

see you in Club Fed my brother!
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