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Re: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006
- To: infosecbofh@xxxxxxxxx, sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006
- From: "wilder_jeff Wilder" <wilder_jeff@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 10:52:24 -0700
I'll second that
-Jeff Wilder
Version: 3.1
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From: InfoSecBOFH <infosecbofh@xxxxxxxxx>
To: sk <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 09:23:24 -0800
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You are confusing terms here I think. VUlnerability Assessment = scanner
Pen-Test = actual skill. At least thats how those consultants with a
clue should be selling it. A Vuln Assessment has value, but can be
done by anyone. A Pen-Test, takes a lot more time, the value is
aguable, and only the skilled can actually do them.
On 12/4/05, sk <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> CISSP is bullshit. as eeye said 99% of the security consultants do their
> pen-tests with automated tools which is pathetic in my opinion.
> if you cant write exploits, you are no professional, more like a steam
> blower. how can someone be professional when he doesnt
> even understand how an exploit works in deep? what if there are custom
> scripts or exotic daemons installed? without beeing able to audit
> code and understand how certain bugs are beeing exploited, how can
> think he got enough clue to do a professional security audit?
> its just a rip off of the customers as simple as that. or would you pay
> someone to run an automated tool against your host, sit back and wait
> till a nice pdf statistic is generated so he got something to present to
> you? of course you wouldnt. in the 90s the people still had to learn on
> their own and all the mainstream hackers who speak at your conventions
> learn their knowledge from stupid class rooms.
> everyone who thinks hes a security professional or even a hacker after
> made some certs, is just living in a dream world.
> then again the media plays well with the steam blowers so they can make
> nice living..
> sorry i just had to say that since its going on my nerves how all these
> people suddenly think their stupid certs make em special, but then if
> it comes to knowledge everyone is cluless...
> -sk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ivan ." <ivanhec@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 3:01 AM
> Subject: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006
> > http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;923889191;fp;16;fpid;0
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