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Re: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006

CISSP is bullshit. as eeye said 99% of the security consultants do their
pen-tests with automated tools which is pathetic in my opinion.
if you cant write exploits, you are no professional, more like a steam
blower. how can someone be professional when he doesnt
even understand how an exploit works in deep? what if there are custom
scripts or exotic daemons installed? without beeing able to audit
code and understand how certain bugs are beeing exploited, how can someone
think he got enough clue to do a professional security audit?
its just a rip off of the customers as simple as that. or would you pay
someone to run an automated tool against your host, sit back and wait
till a nice pdf statistic is generated so he got something to present to
you? of course you wouldnt. in the 90s the people still had to learn on
their own and all the mainstream hackers who speak at your conventions didnt
learn their knowledge from stupid class rooms.
everyone who thinks hes a security professional or even a hacker after he
made some certs, is just living in a dream world.
then again the media plays well with the steam blowers so they can make a
nice living..
sorry i just had to say that since its going on my nerves how all these
people suddenly think their stupid certs make em special, but then if
it comes to knowledge everyone is cluless...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ivan ." <ivanhec@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 3:01 AM
Subject: [Full-disclosure] IT security professionals in demand in 2006

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