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Re: [in] Re: [Full-Disclosure] IE is just as safe as FireFox

Rafel Ivgi, The-Insider wrote:

Firefox is not intgrated to the OS, because it doesn't have an OS.
Its just a trimmed Mozilla for windows..

Not exactly... it's a mozilla core in a native application, as opposed to an interpreted XUL front-end. It's a bit faster in both GNU/Linux and Windows.

However Mozilla in Linux is integrated at some level...so they are just the
same as I.E.

No... it's not the same as IE. Not at all.

What you're referring to is Mozilla's integration with Nautilus/GNOME. However, there are many people who don't run Nautilus/GNOME on their systems. Even then, you're talking about Mozilla being a dependancy for an application suite (Nautilus) as opposed to a base-level operating system component. In the situations where it is a dependancy, the intent is to provide a presentation engine, not a runtime engine like it is in IE.

So, no - it's not the same thing as IE - not the same thing at all. It's not even the same in a rudimentary, high-level sense, and from a low-level API sense it's not even the same genus as IE, much less the same animal.


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