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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Full-Disclosure Posts

yahoo@localhost wrote:

Should Full-Disclosure only allow so-called -real- names? I was on
Nanog (a network admin list) and they have a rule where you can only

NANOG is not even remotely a network admin list. It is comprised (mostly) of those folk who administer and make decisions on what we used to consider the backbone. North American Network Operators Group (NANOG) does occasionally talk about the administration of networks, but they aren't interested in your puny /29 in your parent's basement.

post with a first and second name, instead of an alias or nick, to
kind of give more credibility that you are a security professional and
not a hax0r or script kiddie.

They really aren't all that interested in having *security professionals* (whatever that might mean) on the list, although they don't reject such things. It isn't the purpose of the list. Do you provide support for MCI? How about Verisign? Those are the sort of folk that list is intended for. In addition, the FAQ will tell you that a recognized pseudonym as an acceptable substitute (that means that the pseudonym needs to have been around for quite a while, cookie).

Should the same rule be pro actively implemented to Full-Disclosure or
is it a dead duck idea?

It would be silly to think of such a thing. I'd say that more than half the posts here are mixed between goofy handles, and truenames (c.f. Truenames, Vinge), and that the signal and noise has no correlation between those (i.e. goofy handle is not necessarily noise, and lord knows truenames are no guarantee of signal).

I know hax0rs or script kiddies would probably use fake first and
second names if it was implemented, but at least the list would look
neat and a tad more professional?

Of course, anyone still using the term "hax0r" as though it were meaningful might want to think further about what a "security professional" might be.

Feedback welcomed....


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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html