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Re: [Full-Disclosure] USB Auto run function
- To: Oscar Fajardo Sanchez <oscar.fajardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] USB Auto run function
- From: Ron DuFresne <dufresne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 11:49:20 -0500 (CDT)
And boild down to pretty much this;;
This is old news though, security 101 kind of stuff. Just because a new
toy comes out does not imply it should not play by the rules of the other
toys in the chest. If this is found in an audit then the company that
hired you has real policy issues for you to outline to them and they will
then need to address.
Ron DuFresne
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Oscar Fajardo Sanchez wrote:
> This issue has been discused in pentest list. Take a look at:
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/sf/pentest/2004-05/0136.html
> Regards.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Aditya, ALD [ Aditya Lalit Deshmukh ]"
> <aditya.deshmukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Friday, June 18, 2004 10:36 am
> Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] USB Auto run function
> > > I have been interested in a potential exploit that may or may
> > not be an
> > > issue, I read lately that a potential malicious file could enter
> > a system
> > > via a USB Memory stick with a structured autorun.pif , and this
> > file would
> > > operate even if the screen lock is activated .
> >
> > this is true only for cdroms where the autorun has been enabled,
> > winxp does scan for the removable drives but does not run the
> > program based on the autorun but the type of files on the
> > reemovable drive
> >
> > -aditya
> > ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
> > éb½êÞvë"?axZÞx÷«²?Ú?Gb¶*'¡ó?[kj¯ðÃæj)mªÿr?ÿ
> >
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