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[Full-Disclosure] Call for Participation Workshop DIMVA 2004

              C A L L    F O R    P A R T I C I P A T I O N
##########   Early Bird Rates available before June 1, 2004   ########

    Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment
                             DIMVA 2004

     Workshop of SIG SIDAR of the German Informatics Society (GI) 

                           July 6.-7. 2004
Building 1 of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
                          Dortmund, Germany

                         in cooperation with
               IEEE Task Force on Information Assurance
                      German Chapter of the ACM
                       University of Dortmund



The special interest group SIDAR (Security - Intrusion Detection and
Response) of the German Informatics Society (GI) engages in the
detection and management of information security incidents. In
cooperation with the IEEE Task Force on Information Assurance, the
German Chapter of the ACM and the University of Dortmund the special
interest group SIDAR organizes a workshop on Detection of Intrusions
and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA 2004) taking place
6/7-07-2004 at Dortmund.

The workshop brings together primarily the German-speaking players in
industry, services, government and research on the topics Intrusion
Detection, Malicious Agents (Malware) and Vulnerability
Assessment. The presentations aim particularly at results from
research, development and integration, relevant applications, new
technologies and resulting product developments on a conceptual level.

Papers have been submitted from 12 different countries and have been
carefully selected by the program committee for presentation at the
workshop.  While the DIMVA workshop targets the German-speaking
community, everybody is invited to participate. Papers marked with (*)
are published in German. All authors are free to present their papers
in German or in English. Be aware, that German might be the prevalent
language at the workshop.

The registration is now open. Refer to the DIMVA web site for
information on the detailed workshop program, rates, registration,
travel and accommodation:


The workshop program will take place at the lecture hall in building 1
of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The
reception and dinner will take place at the famous "steel exhibition
hall" of the German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition, where
we will also offer guided tours.

Workshop program:

Keynote: Verfahren der intelligenten Transaktionsanalyse am Beispiel
der Missbrauchsfrüherkennung im Kreditkartengeschäft / Hanns-Michael
Hepp (Intelligent Risk Solutions, DE)

Intrusion Detection Sessions:

Alarm Reduction and Correlation in Intrusion Detection Systems /
Tobias Chyssler, Kalle Burbeck (University of Linköping, SE), Stefan
Burschka, Michael Semling, Tomas Lingvall (Swisscom, CH)

Alert Verification - Determining the Success of Intrusion Attempts /
Christopher Kruegel, William Robertson (University of California,
Santa Barbara, USA)

(*) Komponenten fuer kooperative Intrusion-Detection in dynamischen
Koalitionsumgebungen / Marko Jahnke, Martin Lies, Michael Bussmann,
Sven Henkel (FGAN, DE), Jens Tölle (Universität Bonn, DE)

(*) Vertrauensbasierte Laufzeitüberwachung verteilter
komponentenstrukturierter E-Commerce-Software / Peter Herrmann, Heiko
Krumm (Universität Dortmund, DE), Lars Wiebusch (E-Plus Mobilfunk, DE)

Intrusion detection in unlabeled data with quarter-sphere Support
Vector Machines / Pavel Laskov, Christin Schäfer (Fraunhofer-FIRST,
DE), Igor Kotenko (SPIIRAS, RU)

Sensors for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs / Frank Kargl,
Andreas Klenk, Michael Weber, Stefan Schlott (Universität Ulm, DE)

(*) Aktive Strategien zur Schutzzielverletzungserkennung durch eine
kontrollierte Machtteilung in der Zugriffskontrollarchitektur / Joerg
Abendroth (Trinity College Dublin, IE)

(*) Ein Ansatz zur Intrusion Detection für
Prozessautomatisierungssysteme / Martin Naedele (ABB Corporate
Research, CH)

(*) Visual-IDS oder eine andere Sicht der Dinge / Andreas Lindenblatt,
Daniela Lindenblatt, Björn Scheuermann (Solution, DE)

Honeypots Session:

A Honeynet within the German Research Network -- Experiences and
Results / Helmut Reiser (Ludwig Maximilian Universität München, DE),
Gereon Volker (Technische Universität München, DE)

(*) Ermittlung von Verwundbarkeiten mit elektronischen Ködern /
Maximilian Dornseif (Universität Bonn, DE), Felix C.  Gärtner,
Thorsten Holz (RWTH Aachen, DE)

(*) Ein Netzwerk von IDS-Sensoren für Angriffsstatistiken / Olaf
Gellert, Till Dörges, Klaus-Peter Kossakowski (Presecure, DE)

Vulnerabilities Sessions:

Foundations for Intrusion Prevention / Shai Rubin, Ian D. Alderman,
David W. Parter, Mary K. Vernon (University of Wisconsin, USA)

Structural Comparison of Executable Objects / Halvar Flake (DE)

Anti-Patterns in JDK Security and Refactorings / Marc Schönefeld
(Universität Bamberg, DE)

Hardened OS exploitation techniques / Sebastian Krahmer (SuSE, DE)

(*) UNIX und Linux basierte Kernel Rootkits / Andreas Bunten

Malware Session:

LIV - The Linux Intregrated Viruswall / Teobaldo A. Dantas de Medeiros
(Federal Center for Technological Education, BR), Paulo S. Motta Pires
(University of Rio Grande, BR)

(*) Risiken der Nichterkennung von Malware in komprimierter Form /
Heiko Fangmeier, Michel Messerschmidt, Fabian Müller, Jan Seedorf
(antiVirusTestCenter, DE)

Program committee

Thomas Biege (SuSE Linux AG)
Roland Büschkes (T-Mobile)
Toralv Dirro (Network Associates)
Anja Feldmann (TU München)
Ulrich Flegel (vice chair) (Uni Dortmund)
Christian Freckmann (TÜV-IT)
Oliver Göbel (RUS-CERT)
Christian Götz (Cirosec)
Dirk Häger (BSI)
Marc Heuse (Unisys)
Klaus Julisch (IBM Research Zürich)
Oliver Karow (Symantec)
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski (Presecure)
Hartmut König (BTU Cottbus)
Heiko Krumm (Uni Dortmund)
Christopher Krügel (UCSB, Kalifornien)
Holger Mack (Secorvo)
Michael Meier (chair) (BTU Cottbus)
Jens Nedon (Consecur)
Christian Schmid (Linz, Österreich)
Morton Swimmer (IBM Research Zürich)
Stefan Strobel (Cirosec)
Marco Thorbrügge (DFN-CERT)
Andreas Wespi (IBM Research Zürich)
Stephen Wolthusen (Fraunhofer IGD Darmstadt)
Ralf Zessin (Maxpert AG)


Claudia Graute (registration office)
University of Dortmund, Computer Science Dpt., Chair VI, ISSI
D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
Tel.: +49-231-755-2641  Fax: +49-231-755-2405
Email: dimva2004{at}gi-fg-sidar.de

Ulrich Flegel (chair and local organization)
University of Dortmund, Computer Science Dpt., Chair VI, ISSI
D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
Tel.: +49-231-755-4775  Fax: +49-231-755-2405
Email: ulrich.flegel{at}udo.edu

Michael Meier (program chair)
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus,
Computer Science Dept., Chair Networks,
Postfach 10 13 44, D-03013 Cottbus, Germany
Tel.: +49-355-69-2028  Fax: +49-355-69-2127
Email: mm{at}informatik.tu-cottbus.de

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