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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Windows 2000 Source Code

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 11:03:01 EST, Poof <gui@goddessmoon.org>  said:
> Yeah- and makes users 'vote' for his ranking at I think his classes website.
> (img src to
> http://misslhc.apinc.org/index.php?onglet=misterlhc&include=../php/profils/s
> howProfil&titre_sub=Profil%20de%20Daniel&type=misterlhc&num=473 (Spaced so
> it doesn't get voted to by mistake)&addvote=1 and
> http://misslhc.apinc.org/index.php?onglet=misterlhc&include=../php/profils/s
> howProfil&titre_sub=Profil%20de%20Laurent&type=misterlhc&num=517)
> Idiot >.<

No, clever social engineering.  Now as for the people who have been posting
"All I got was a 'removed by Microsoft' popup"...  Don't people bother using
tools like wget or lynx to look at what's coming before they point their 
at sites that are untrusted *and* highly likely to contain malware? :)

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