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Re: [normal] Re: [Full-Disclosure] MS RPC remote exploit. What about DCOMbobulator?

On Thu, 9 Oct 2003, opticfiber wrote:

> It's come to my attetion that disablinf DCOM in windows is near
> impossible without a regedit.

That's usually not what you want anyways. There are ways to disable
RPC/DCOM completely, but systems might not run as they should anymore. the
list of incompatibilities is long and not worth discussing; if you use
windows server as a productive system (i.e. running webserver or alike)
you generally can't just "deactivate" DCOM to be fine -- it just won't

Anyways, while being here, did anyone succeed in proofing that the k-otik
exploit a) compiles and b) really works universal?

Patrick Brauch                            <pab@heisec.de>
heise security                       http://www.heisec.de
c't Magazin fuer Computertechnik   http://www.heise.de/ct
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