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SV: [Full-Disclosure] MS RPC remote exploit.


Systems already updated are not vulnerable to this exploit. The new code
is simply improved and is now more "universal". It doesn´t make use of
static addresses for jumps which makes the improved code much more
dangerous since it will be effective on a large range of different
vulnerable Microsoft Windows operativ systems.

Kind regards // Med venlig hilsen

Peter Kruse
CSIS / Kruse Security ApS

http://www.krusesecurity.dk - www.csis.dk

> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: full-disclosure-admin@lists.netsys.com 
> [mailto:full-disclosure-admin@lists.netsys.com] På vegne af 
> Sudharsha Wijesinghe
> Sendt: 9. oktober 2003 14:42
> Til: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
> Emne: [Full-Disclosure] MS RPC remote exploit.
> According to MS there cant be any Remote exploit on MS RPC 
> except for a DOS attack using 139/135/445. How ever the code 
> is available for a shell code. has any one tried this exploit?
> Sudharsha
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html

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