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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Petition against VeriSlime's DNS abuse

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 10:20:21 -0400
"Jonathan A. Zdziarski" <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Being unproductive is the only thing I do real well though =)
> I guess the question is how much noise will a petition make?  I've never
> seen one make it to the evening news.  I'd rather see some of the
> want-to-be technical journalists for CNN and MSNBC pick this up and roll
> with it.  Until lawsuits are filed, it's pretty much an invisible issue.

That's right. At least that Washington Post article 
was a start, and I'm quite sure some others will follow.

Maybe some of you folks know some "technical" journalists who could write
about it ... :)

Kind regards,
        Dennis Oelkers
Dennis Oelkers | Webadministration | Zentraleinrichtung Rechenzentrum
TU-Berlin      | EN-Gebaeude, K042 | Telefon: 030-314-25029

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