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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Petition against VeriSlime's DNS abuse

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 09:01:27 -0400
"Jonathan A. Zdziarski" <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Not trying to shoot this down, well yes I am... if Verisign didn't
> bother talking to NANOG or ICANN first, they certainly don't care about
> a petition from a bunch of people who may or may not be related to
> operations on the Internet.  IMHO, petitions are just another
> meaningless straw poll designed to waste your idle cycles (if you have
> any) on the Internet.
> If you really want to fix this, we need to bring control of our root
> registry (yes it belongs to all of us) back into a non-commercial
> organization's control.  From a recent article

I totally agree with you on that point, but my main concern at the moment
is to restore the DNS we had a few days ago.
In my opinion VeriSign reached a point where most of their "customers" who
have a technical & political intellect above a certain level want to get rid
of them asap anyway.

The main point of the petition (from my pov) is not to force VeriSign directly,
but to put an indirect pressure on them by making as much noise as possible to
show that (host|post)masters and other network administrators/engineers are 
about the situation and want someone like ICANN to do something against it.

Concerning the idle time you're most probably right, but I feel better spending
two minutes of my idle time at work by signing such a petition instead of
just smoking or drinking coffee without doing anything productive :)

Kind regards,
          Dennis Oelkers
Dennis Oelkers | Webadministration | Zentraleinrichtung Rechenzentrum
TU-Berlin      | EN-Gebaeude, K042 | Telefon: 030-314-25029

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