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WHM Panel Mail Delivery Reports crash database Vulnerability

Mail Delivery Reports crash database in whm panel 60.0 ( build 17) version 
local exploit


#                 Iranian Exploit DataBase And Security Team - iedb.ir

# Title : WHM Panel Mail Delivery Reports crash database Vulnerability

# Vulnerability : Crash sendmail Database in whm panel

# Version : WHM 60.0 (build 17) 

# Local Vulnerability

# Method(s): POST

# pic : http://kkli.ir/C6LGY

# Author : IeDb.Ir

# Home : Www.IeDb.Ir - Www.IeDb.Ir/acc - xssed.Ir - kkli.ir

# Vulnerability attack information site and insert site sqli and xss bug : 

# iedb team Telegram : https://telegram.me/joinchat/BdNXvD3FrFLG8tVtIfTjaQ

# Email : iedb.team@xxxxxxxxx

# Archive Exploit : http://iedb.ir/exploits-6209.html


# Description:

Hello friends.
The vulnerability is local in both panel which makes crash the email database.

Enter the login panel
In the Email field, enter the Mail Delivery Reports in.
It can do a search on email.
In this field you can put your own code in the search field.
For example, I put this code:
<Script> alert ( 'Iedb.ir') </ script>
As you can see in the image below, email database has crashed.


In this field, you can enter input other great causing the crash database.
This bug bugs for local and remote as it is written.
And this security problem exists in all versions of whm panel.
Other remote exploits and exploit this panel are private.

Thanks to all friends


Tnks To : All Member In Iedb.ir And Iedb.ir/acc And Xssed.ir


# Archive Exploit = http://iedb.ir/exploits-6209.html
