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CVE-2016-9277: A IDX Out of Bound vulnerability in systemui can make crash and ui restart
- To: bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: CVE-2016-9277: A IDX Out of Bound vulnerability in systemui can make crash and ui restart
- From: unlimitsec@xxxxxxxxx
- Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2016 05:34:39 GMT
Description of the potential vulnerability:
Severity: Low
Affected versions: L(5.0/5.1), M(6.0)
Disclosure status: Privately disclosed.
One of the activities in SystemUI can produce array index out of bounds
exception as a combination of some APIs and it leads to UI restart.
The patch fixes the vulnerability in the corresponding APIs.
SVE-2016-6906: A IDX Out of Bound vulnerability in systemui can make crash and
ui restart
Alipay unLimit Security Team