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Re: Opinion: Complete failure of Oracle security response and utter neglect of their responsibility to their customers

On Thursday 06 October 2005 20:22, Rainer Duffner wrote:

> It's really a shame - but they'll only wake up when it's too late and
> MSFT, PostgreSQL and MySQL have eaten their lunch.
> Note: I don't care if it's Larry's personal money or Oracle's money -
> for me, this is a purely fiscal separation. In the end, the money has
> one source: Oracle.

<flame shield on>

I don't think MySQL could eat much of the Oracle cake, anyway. :)

<flame shield off>

Seriously, keep in mind that Oracle has a lot of resources, thus much 
potential to change the course regardless of the wind direction (pun 
intended), and they're surely not going to capsize any time soon (yeah, 
another intended). Oracle is ahead of competition (look, another pun!) in 
some areas; PostgreSQL has to do a lot more to prevail.
However, failing in a security area is like having a hole below the 
watermark and not caring about it because "it's small, and our boat is 
huge". Eventually, you get full of... hmm.. water.  

And, wasn't Oracle that company that touted their seriousness about 
security some time ago? ;)

Radoslav Dejanović
Operacijski sustavi d.o.o.