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Re: Opinion: Complete failure of Oracle security response and utter neglect of their responsibility to their customers

David Litchfield wrote:

[snip sad Oracle track "record" on security]

I must assume most of their code is written by some poor guys in a sweatshop in Bangalore or Shanghai today.
And only those people can "fix" it, so if somebody finds a flaw, a "request to fix" is sent to Bangalore and fulfilled in typical fashion...
You get the picure...

The Oracle-BMW America's Cup Team has a budget of 100 000 000 €, whereof 30 000 000 € are attributed to BMW.
That means 70 000 000 € spend by Larry for the silly Yacht - you, David, could charge 100 000 per day and still deliver more value.
It's really a shame - but they'll only wake up when it's too late and MSFT, PostgreSQL and MySQL have eaten their lunch.

Note: I don't care if it's Larry's personal money or Oracle's money - for me, this is a purely fiscal separation. In the end, the money has one source: Oracle.
