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Portcullis Advisory 05-009 Update, Webseries Payment Application
- To: "bugs" <bugs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Bugtraq" <bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "secunia" <vuln@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Portcullis Advisory 05-009 Update, Webseries Payment Application
- From: "Paul J Docherty" <PJD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 18:09:54 -0000
Portcullis Security Advisory
The product vendor, Bottomline Technologies has provided Portcullis with
the following response to the security advisory. It should be noted that
the resolution of this issue has not been verified by Portcullis:
Bottomline acknowledge that there is a slight risk of exposure of data
via unauthorised report generation. In order to further enhance the
security of the system a service pack will be released in Q1 2005. This
ensures the reporting module no longer passes the path and report
information on the URL line. This information is kept on the server and
passed using the database and additionally the report being executed is
validated against the user entitlements.
Contact Bottomline at: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tel: +44 (0)1189
Vulnerable System:
Webseries Payment Application
Vulnerability Title:
Execute Of Arbitrary Reports
Vulnerability discovery and development:
Portcullis Security Testing Services
Affected systems:
Bottomline Webseries Payment Application
Portcullis consultants have discovered that by manipulating the values
of certain Variables used during report selection it was possible to
cause the application to download and execute arbitrary reports from any
machine on the network capable of supporting Windows shares.
In normal usage the Webseries application references report templates
located on the web server itself:
When the value of the ReportPath variable is changed to contain a UNC
path referencing another machine on the network (as shown below), the
Webseries application appears to download and attempt to execute the
A malicious user with knowledge of the structure of the backend database
could design a report template to disclose any information contained
within the database. Portcullis consultants believe that it is possible
to create a report template that would display usernames and passwords
(in what ever form they are stored in the database)..
Exploit code not required.
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