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[VulnWatch] Cosign SSO Authentication Bypass

Author:  Jon Oberheide <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:    Wed, April 11th, 2007


Application:              Cosign Single Sign-On
Affected Versions:        2.0.1 and previous
Vendor Website:           http://weblogin.org
Type of Vulnerability:    Authentication Bypass - Remote


cosign is a web single-sign-on system.  Written at the University of
Michigan, cosign is an open source software project and a part of the
National Science Foundation Middleware Initiative (NMI) EDIT software
release.  cosign is deployed extensively at the University of Michigan
and at educational institutions and other organizations around the


Two critical remote vulnerabilities exist within the CGI component of
cosign allowing authentication bypass and impersonation of an arbitrary
user.  The full details of each vulnerability can be found at the
following links:



Organizations utilizing cosign should upgrade to versions 1.9.4b or
2.0.2a available at http://weblogin.org.

Jon Oberheide <jon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
GnuPG Key: 1024D/F47C17FE
Fingerprint: B716 DA66 8173 6EDD 28F6  F184 5842 1C89 F47C 17FE

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part