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[VulnWatch] Digital Armaments: CMU SNMP utilities snmptrad Format String Vulnerability

CMU SNMP utilities snmptrad Format String Vulnerability


I. Background

The package is CMU-SNMP utilities. In the package snmptrapd is an SNMP
application that receives and logs SNMP TRAP and INFORM messages. The
daemon by default is to be listens on UDP port 162 on all IPv4 interfaces.
Since 162 is a privileged port, snmptrapd must typically be run as root.
For further information or detail about the software you can refer to the
vendor's homepage:


II. Problem Description

There is a format string vulnerability in the snmptrapd server from the
cmu-snmp package. The vulnerability persists in the snmp_input() function.
An attacker could abuse this vulnerability from remote while sending
specially crafted packets. Successful exploitation consists of arbitrary
code execution, with root privileges by default.

III. Detection

This problem has been detected and tested on latest versions:
snmptrapd from cmu-snmp-linux-3.7 package
snmptrapd from cmu-snmp-linux-3.6 package

IV. Impact analysis

Successful exploitation allows an attacker to gain access to the system
with the root privileges (by default). Exploit code is required.

V. Solution

First notification 12.22.2005.
Second notification 01.09.2006.
No new version will be available.

VI. Credit

Seregorn - seregon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx is credited with this discovery.

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VII. Legal Notices

Copyright © 2006 Digital Armaments LLC.

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edited in any way. Reprint the whole is allowed, partial reprint is not
permitted. For any other request please email
customerservice@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for permission. Disclaimer: The
information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of
publishing based on currently available information. Use of the
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There
are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor
the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or
consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this