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[VulnWatch] Fortinet Security Advisory: "Apple QuickTime Player Improper Memory Access Vulnerability"

Fortinet Security Advisory: FSA-2006-04

Apple QuickTime Player Improper Memory Access Vulnerability

Advisory Date      : January 12, 2006
Reported Date      : November 28, 2005
Vendor             : Apple computers
Affected Products  : Apple QuickTime Player v7.0.3
Severity           : High
Reference      : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2005-3707

Description        :  Fortinet Security Research Team (FSRT) has
discovered a Improper Memory Access Vulnerability in the Apple QuickTime
Player. Apple QuickTime has Improper Memory Access  vulnerability in
parsing the specially crafted TGA image files. A remote attacker could
construct a web page with specially crafted TGA file and entice a victim
to view it, when the user opens the TGA image with Internet Explorer or
Apple QuickTime Player, it'll cause memory access violation, and leading
to potential Arbitrary Command Execution.

Impact             : Execute arbitrary code

Solution           : Apple Computers has released a security update for
this vulnerability, which is available for downloading from Apples's web
site under security update.

Fortinet Protection: Fortinet is protecting network from this
vulnerability with latest IPS update.

Acknowledgment     : Dejun Meng of Fortinet Security Research team found
this vulnerability.

Disclaimer         : Although Fortinet has attempted to provide accurate
information in these materials, Fortinet assumes no legal responsibility
for the accuracy or completeness of the information. More specific
information is available on request from Fortinet. Please note that
Fortinet's product information does not constitute or contain any
guarantee, warranty or legally binding representation, unless expressly
identified as such in a duly signed writing.