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[VulnWatch] Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IPS MC Malformed Configuration Download Vulnerability

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Cisco Security Advisory: 
Cisco IPS MC Malformed Configuration Download Vulnerability

Document ID: 68065

Revision 1.0

Last Updated

For Public Release 2005 November 1 2000 UTC (GMT)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    Affected Products
    Software Versions and Fixes
    Obtaining Fixed Software
    Exploitation and Public Announcements
    Status of This Notice: FINAL
    Revision History
    Cisco Security Procedures

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------


The CiscoWorks VPN/Security Management Solution (VMS) is a network
management application that includes Web-based tools for configuring,
monitoring, and troubleshooting VPNs, firewalls, network intrusion
detection systems (NIDSs), network intrusion prevention systems (NIPSs)
and host intrusion prevention systems (HIPSs). CiscoWorks VMS also
includes network device inventory, change audit, and software
distribution features.

An issue exists in one of the components of the Cisco Management Center
for IPS Sensors (IPS MC) v2.1 during the generation of the Cisco IOS
IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) configuration file that may result in
some signatures belonging to certain classes being disabled during the
configuration deployment process.

Cisco has made a free software patch available to address this
vulnerability for affected customers.

This advisory is posted at 

Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

  * Cisco IOS IPS devices that have been configured by IPS MC v2.1.

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

  * Cisco IOS IPS devices that have NOT been configured by IPS MC v2.1.
    This category includes Cisco IOS IPS devices that have been
    configured by using any of the following methods:
      + Cisco IDS MC (Management Center for IDS Sensors)
      + Cisco SDM (Security Device Manager)
      + Cisco IOS CLI (Command Line Interface)
  * Any other Cisco IDS/IPS solution, configured by either Cisco IPS MC
    v2.1, Cisco IDS MC (any version), Cisco SDM (any version) or by
    using the Cisco IOS CLI. These include:
      + Cisco IOS IDS
      + Cisco PIX/ASA IDS
      + Cisco IPS 4200 Series Sensors
      + Cisco Catalyst 6500/7600 Series Intrusion Detection System
        (IDSM-2) Module
      + Cisco IDS Network Module (NM-CIDS-K9)
      + Cisco ASA Advanced Inspection and Prevention (AIP) Security
        Services Module

No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these


Some Cisco routers running Cisco IOS include a feature called Cisco IOS
IPS. The Cisco IOS IPS acts as an in-line intrusion protection sensor,
watching packets and sessions as they flow through the router and
scanning each packet to match any of the Cisco IOS IPS signatures that
have been enabled on the device configuration. When it detects
suspicious activity, it responds before network security can be
compromised and logs the event through Cisco IOS syslog messages or
Security Device Event Exchange (SDEE). The network administrator can
configure Cisco IOS IPS to choose the appropriate response to various

Customers can use multiple methods, including Cisco IPS MC, Cisco IDS
MC, Cisco SDM and the Cisco IOS CLI, to enable, disable and configure
Cisco IOS IPS signatures. Some signatures dealing with TCP or UDP
traffic analyze traffic destined to specific ports. Those ports are
pre-configured with default values, and some signatures might allow
changes to the list of ports to be monitored.

If the Cisco IOS IPS devices have been configured by using the Cisco
IPS MC v2.1, the Cisco IPS MC might download a configuration file to
the device that does not contain a value for the port field in one or
more signatures, resulting in the affected Cisco IOS IPS device
disabling those signatures. Only signatures using either the STRING.TCP
or STRING.UDP signature micro-engine (SME) are affected by this
vulnerability. Additionally, this behavior only happens if those
signatures were enabled and configured from the Cisco IPS MC GUI ;
signatures belonging to the STRING.TCP or STRING.UDP SMEs that were
previously configured on the device and imported into the Cisco IPS MC
will not experience this issue.

The list of signatures currently loaded into a Cisco IOS IPS device and
their status can be obtained by executing the "show ip ips signatures"
command. The following abbreviated output shows signatures currently
loaded into the device, both enabled and disabled:

 Router#show ip ips signatures
 Builtin signatures are configured
 Signatures were last loaded from flash:128MB.sdf

 Cisco SDF release version 128MB.sdf v4

 Trend SDF release version V0.0

 *=Marked for Deletion  Action=(A)larm,(D)rop,(R)eset   Trait=AlarmTraits
 MH=MinHits             AI=AlarmInterval                CT=ChokeThreshold
 TI=ThrottleInterval    AT=AlarmThrottle                FA=FlipAddr

 Signature Micro-Engine: OTHER (4 sigs)
  SigID:SubID On Action  Sev Trait     MH    AI    CT    TI AT FA WF Version
  ----------- -- ------ ---- -----  ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- -------
   1201:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0    30    15 FA  N  N
   1202:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0   100    15 FA  N  N
   1203:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0    30    15 FA  N  N
   3050:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    1.0

 Signature Micro-Engine: STRING.ICMP (1 sigs)
  SigID:SubID On Action  Sev Trait     MH    AI    CT    TI AT FA WF Version
  ----------- -- ------ ---- -----  ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- -------
   2156:0      Y   A     MED     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S54

 Signature Micro-Engine: STRING.UDP (16 sigs)
  SigID:SubID On Action  Sev Trait     MH    AI    CT    TI AT FA WF Version
  ----------- -- ------ ---- -----  ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- -------
   4060:0      Y   A     MED     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S10
   4060:1      Y   A     MED     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S173
   4607:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4607:1      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4607:2      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4607:3      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4607:4      Y   A    HIGH     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4608:0      N   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4608:1      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
   4608:2      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S30
  11000:0      N   A     LOW     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S37
  11000:1      Y   A     LOW     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S37
  11000:2      Y   A     LOW     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S136
  11207:0      Y   A    INFO     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S139
  11208:0      Y   A    INFO     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S139
  11209:0      Y   A    INFO     0      0     0     0    15 FA  N    S139

 Signature Micro-Engine: STRING.TCP (60 sigs)
  SigID:SubID On Action  Sev Trait     MH    AI    CT    TI AT FA WF Version
  ----------- -- ------ ---- -----  ----- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -- -------
   3116:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S12
   3117:0      N   A     LOW     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S13
   3117:1      Y   A     LOW     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S13
   3120:0      Y   A     LOW     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S13
   3120:1      Y   A     LOW     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S13
   3132:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S67
   3132:1      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S67
   3135:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S73
   3137:1      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S83
   3137:2      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S128
   3141:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S94
   3142:1      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S92
   3152:0      Y   A     MED     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    2.1.1
   3450:0      Y   A     LOW     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    1.0
   5570:0      Y   A R  HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S185
   5571:0      Y   A R  HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S185
   9479:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S104
   9480:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S104
   9481:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S104
   9482:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S104
   9483:0      Y   A    HIGH     0      1     0     0    15 FA  N    S104

Any signature with a capital N under the 'On' column is DISABLED, while
any signature with a capital Y under the same column is ENABLED. In
this example, signatures 4608:0 and 11000:0 (belonging to the
STRING.UDP SME), and signature 3117:0 (belonging to the STRING.TCP SME)
are listed as disabled. For each signature listed as disabled in the
output of the "show ip ips signatures" command, a corresponding 
"ip ips signature <SigID> <SubsigID> disable" command should be visible 
on the running configuration. This is an example of the 
"show running-configuration" command, using a filter to only display
configuration lines belonging to signatures that have been disabled:

    Router#show running-config | include ip ips signature .* disable
    ip ips signature 11000 0 disable
    ip ips signature 4608 0 disable
    ip ips signature 3117 0 disable

This vulnerability is documented in the Cisco Bug Toolkit as Bug ID


While this is not a vulnerability in the Cisco IOS IPS code itself, in
the processing performed by Cisco IOS IPS on traffic traversing the
device, or in the Cisco IPS MC v2.1, this vulnerability might result in
an incomplete analysis of network traffic traversing the Cisco IOS IPS
device, which could allow some attacks to go unnoticed.

Software Versions and Fixes

When considering software upgrades, please also consult 
and any subsequent advisories to determine exposure and a complete
upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center ("TAC") for assistance.

Cisco has developed a software fix for this vulnerability. Once the fix
is applied to a VMS server running IPS MC v2.1, the IPS MC will
correctly populate the port field attached to a signature using either
the STRING.TCP or STRING.UDP SME. Additional steps will be required to
be performed. Please read the README file published together with the
software fix.

In order to obtain this software fix, customers should access the VMS
Software download page for IDS MC and IPS MC, available at 
The fix consists of the following three files:

  * idsmdc2.1.0-win-CSCsc336961.tar - this file contains the fix itself
    for IPS MC v2.1 running on the Windows operating system.
  * CSCOids2.1.0-sol-CSCsc336961.tar - this file contains the fix
    itself for IPS MC v2.1 running on the Solaris operating system.
  * CSCsc33696-README.txt - this file contains instructions on how to
    apply the software fix to an affected IPS MC v2.1 installation
    (either Windows or Solaris) and any needed pre and post
    installation tasks to be carried out by the user.

Obtaining Fixed Software

Customers with Service Contracts

Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their
regular update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades
should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's worldwide
website at http://www.cisco.com.

Customers using Third-party Support Organizations

Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through prior
or existing agreement with third-party support organizations such as
Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers should
contact that support organization for assistance with the upgrade,
which should be free of charge.

Customers without Service Contracts

Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but who do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who purchase through third-party vendors
but are unsuccessful at obtaining fixed software through their point of
sale should get their upgrades by contacting the Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.

  * +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
  * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
  * e-mail: tac@xxxxxxxxx

Please have your product serial number available and give the URL of
this notice as evidence of your entitlement to a free upgrade. Free
upgrades for non-contract customers must be requested through the TAC.

Please do not contact either "psirt@xxxxxxxxx" or
"security-alert@xxxxxxxxx" for software upgrades.

See http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/687/Directory/DirTAC.shtml for
additional TAC contact information, including special localized
telephone numbers and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in
various languages.

Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets they
have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise
using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound by the terms
of Cisco's software license terms found at 
http://www.cisco.com/public/sw-license-agreement.html, or as otherwise 
set forth at Cisco.com Downloads at 


There are no recommended workarounds for this vulnerability. Please see
the Obtaining Fixed Software section for appropriate solutions to
resolve this vulnerability.

Exploitation and Public Announcements

The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.

This vulnerability was reported to Cisco by a customer.

Status of This Notice: FINAL


A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory
that omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.


This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at 

In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice is
clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.

  * cust-security-announce@xxxxxxxxx
  * first-teams@xxxxxxxxx (includes CERT/CC)
  * bugtraq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  * vulnwatch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  * cisco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  * cisco-nsp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  * full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  * comp.dcom.sys.cisco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing
lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged
to check the above URL for any updates.

Revision History

|              |                 |                         |
| Revision 1.0 | 2005-November-1 | Initial public release  |
|              |                 |                         |

Cisco Security Procedures

Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering
to receive security information from Cisco, is available on Cisco's
worldwide website at 
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security 
notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at 

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All contents are Copyright 1992-2005 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights
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Updated: Nov 01, 2005                                Document ID: 68065

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Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
