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[VulnWatch] Symbol Technologies Default WEP KEYS Vulnerability

Symbol Technologies Default WEP KEYS Vulnerability
Systems: Symbol Technologies PDT 8100
Severity: Medium 
Category: Default password storage and access
Classification: Installation problem
BugTraq-ID: TBA
CVE-ID: CAN-2003-0934
SymbolTech-ID: 620646
Local Exploit: yes 
Vendor URL: http://www.symbol.com
Author: Michael S. Scheidell, SECNAP Network Security 
AutomedRX Nov 6, 2003
Symbol Technologies,  Nov 7, 2003
Cert, Nov 7, 2003
Released: November 10, 2003


Tap, Type, or Scan-Maximum Versatility in a Portable Data Terminal 
The PDT 8100 Series from Symbol Technologies bridges the gap between pure 
pen-based and key-based mobile data collection solutions. The first Pocket PC 
device available with multiple keyboard options, the PDT 8100 is a versatile, 
large-screen handheld that delivers the functionality of Pocket PC with the 
convenience of tactile, key-based data entry.

During installation, if the default WiFI keys and shared secret are not changed:
A) they can be retrieved by end user
B) used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to wireless network

Symbol Access PDT 8100 hides existing WEP keys so that users cannot view them 
IF AND ONLY IF YOU CHANGE THE DEFAULTS.  This is not a design flaw but rather a 
feature in the PDT 8100 that is used ONLY during initial setup to facilitate 
connection to client's Wireless gateways.  Where the vulnerability exists is if 
during installation, these keys are not changed.  If not changed, the PDT 8100 
will reveal them to any user in plain text by taping on the wireless icon on 
lower right hand of 8100 and scrolling to the 'encryption tab'.  A stolen PDT 
8100 or copied keys can allow an insider the ability to totally compromise the 
WiFi network.  Unchanged factory default keys are published and should not be 
used past initial testing or on a live network.  Tested on model 8146-T2B940US

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project has assigned the name 
CAN-2003-0934 to this issue. This is a candidate for inclusion in the CVE list 
(http://cve.mitre.org), which standardizes names for security problems.

Vendor Response: 
November 10, 2003:
Vendor was extremely helpful and confirmed what the default keys were, and that 
changing the default keys would hide them from user. Symbol Technologies 
continues to work with Wifi standards and security groups to improve both the 
user experience and the security of their products and has upgraded and updated 
both their software and firmware to keep up with the latest security 
requirements.  Symbol Technologies recommends (in their installation manuals 
and guides) that all default passwords and keys be changed during installation.

A user just needs to clone the Wifi keys, shared secret, MAX address and SSID 
to be able to have unauthorized access to the client's network.

The installer or client needs to change both the shared secret and the Wifi 
Also see Seven Security Problems of 802.11 Wireless at:

Problem found by Michael Scheidell, SECNAP Network Security vulnerability 
research team, with assistance by John Hughes, Symbol Technologies 
http://www.symbol.com and Syed Jafri, AutoMedRX, Inc. http://www.automedrx.com

Original copy of this report can be found here 
Copyright: Above Copyright(c) 2003, SECNAP Network Security, LLC. World rights 
This security report can be copied and redistributed electronically provided it 
is not edited and is quoted in its entirety without written consent of SECNAP 
Network Security, LLC. Additional information or permission may be obtained by 
contacting SECNAP Network Security at 561-368-9561