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[VulnWatch] [PHP] AttilaPHP 3.0 : User/Admin Access

Informations :
Language : PHP
Version : 3.0 (and less ?)
Website : http://www.attila-php.net
Problem : User/Admin Access

PHP Code/Location :

www/global.php3 :

function get_identity()
global $cook_id, $TABLE_CURRENT_VISITS,$base;


if (!$cook_id) { /** no cookie set? Visitor! **/

	$query="SELECT * FROM $table Where visiteur=14";
	if (mysql_fetch_row($resu2)==0)
		$query="INSERT INTO $table (id,visiteur) VALUES ('0','14')"; /** If no 
entry for visitor, insert one **/

	$query="SELECT * FROM $table Where visiteur=14";
	return(14); exit;


$query="SELECT * FROM $table Where ID=$cook_id";


/user.php3, www/user_action.php3 :

if ($identite==14) {header("Location: http://$weburl/index.php3";); exit;}

www/god_action.php3,www/god.php3 :

if ($identite!=1) {header("Location: http://$weburl";); exit; }

Exploit :

Set cookie named "cook_id" with the value "0 OR visiteur=1" on 
http://[target]/index.php3 (or any other pages).

Patch :
A patch and more details can be found on http://www.phpsecure.info.

In www/global.php3, replace the line :
$query="SELECT * FROM $table Where ID=$cook_id";

by the lines :

$cook_id = addslashes($cook_id);
$query="SELECT * FROM $table Where ID='$cook_id'";


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