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[port139:01301] Re: PromiscDetect

Port139 伊原です。

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 19:01:15 +0900
Makoto Shiotsuki <shio@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>でも、これ、どうやってpromiscuous modeを検出しているのだろう?

聞いてみました :-)
#誰か解説きぼん ;)

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:00:19 +0200
"Arne Vidstrom" <arne.vidstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>As usual I never give detailed descriptions of my tools, but in large what
>it does is check which adapters are available, what their device names are,
>opens the devices, and then sends (undocumented by Microsoft) IOCTL codes to
>ask them what mode they are in.


Hideaki Ihara <hideaki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Port139 URL: http://www.port139.co.jp/
PGP PUBLIC KEY: http://www.port139.co.jp/pgp/