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[FD] [CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigations Challenges CFTIC 2022 (Virtual)
- To: fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [FD] [CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigations Challenges CFTIC 2022 (Virtual)
- From: Andrew Zayine <scholarshipchile@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 17:09:59 +0100
2nd International Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Threat
Investigations Challenges
October 10-11, 2022, Taking Place Virtually from the UK
Cyber forensics and threat investigations has rapidly emerged as a new
field of research to provide the key elements for maintaining
security, reliability, and trustworthiness of the next generation of
emerging technologies such as the internet of things, cyber-physical
systems, cloud/edge/fog computing, software-defined network, and
network function virtualization. Complicated efforts are required in
suitable and timely manners against any threats detected within these
systems. Moreover, new frameworks are required to collect and preserve
potential evidential data in suitable and timely manners as well. To
guarantee proper cyber-defenses and strategies against the expanding
landscape of criminal activities as well as rapidly advancing emerging
The main motivation for this Workshop is to bring together researchers
and practitioners working on cyber forensics and threat investigations
for emerging infrastructures to disseminate current research issues
and advances. Original technical papers describing new,
state-of-the-art research, will be considered. The Workshop welcomes
submissions that evaluate existing research results by reproducing
experiments. The aim of this workshop is to provide insight for the
discussion of the major research challenges and achievements on
various topics of interest.
Important Dates
Technical Paper Submission Deadline: 15 September 2022
Poster and Demo Track Submission Deadline: 20 September 2022
Authors Notifications: 30 September 2022
Camera Ready due: 05 October 2022
The registration is free-off-charge for All members of the Association
(Thanks to our financial supporters who made this possible)
Scope of The Workshop
Technical Paper Track
Papers on practical as well as theoretical topics and problems in
various topics related to cyber forensics and threat investigations
are invited, with special emphasis on novel techniques and tools to
collect data from networked systems and services in emerging
technologies (such as the ones can be found in cyber-physical systems
and Internet of things, cloud/edge/fog computing, software-defined
network, and network function virtualization). Topics include (but are
not limited to):
· Forensics and threat investigations in IoT
· Forensics and threat investigations in peer-to-peer, and
social networks
· Forensics and threat investigations in SDN/NFV
· Forensics and threat investigations in Cloud Computing
· Forensics and threat investigations in Smart Technologies
Systems (Smart Cars, Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Dark Web Investigations, Forensics, and Monitoring
· Forensics and threat investigations in Virtual private networks
· Security and Privacy in Clouds, Fog Computing, and 5G, and 6G
· Security and Privacy in IoT, SDN/NFV, and Edge Computing
· Security and Privacy in Smart Technologies Systems (Smart
Cars, Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Forensics and visualization of Big Data
· Trusted Computing in Smart Technologies Systems (Smart Cars,
Smart Homes, Smart Cities)
· Tools and services for cyber forensics and threat investigations
· OSINT (Open Source Intelligence)
· Cooperative and distributed forensics and threat investigations
· Advanced threat investigations, forensic and anti-forensic techniques
· Attack detection, traceback and attribution in Emerging Technologies
· Malware Analysis and Attribution
· Digital Evidence Extraction/Analysis using Artificial
intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining
· Data exfiltration techniques from networked devices and
services (e.g. cyber-physical systems, and Internet-of-Things)
· Methods for reconstruction of Digital Evidence in Emerging Technologies
· Forensics and threat investigations in E-health/M-health
· Vulnerability & threat detection and mitigation techniques
for networked services
· Novel large-scale investigations and Machine Learning
techniques to analyze intelligence data sets and logs
We also encourage contributions describing innovative work in the
realm of cybersecurity, cyber defense, and digital crimes.
Poster and Demo Track
CFTIC 2022 solicits the submission of posters and demos on specific
aspects of cyber forensics and threat investigations, particularly
related to the subject areas indicated by the CFTIC 2022 topics of
interest. Posters provide a forum for authors to present their work in
an informal and interactive setting. They allow authors and interested
participants to engage in discussions about their work. In particular,
a poster submission should motivate its relevance to the communities
of cyber forensics and threat investigations, and summarize the main
challenges, experiences, and novel ideas. A demonstration should
present an existing tool or research prototype. Authors are expected
to provide a demonstration during the poster and demonstration
session. A demonstration submission should clearly describe the
motivation, the novelty of the contribution, and the applicability of
the tool or prototype to specific use cases. Posters or demonstrations
can be submitted for evaluation in the form of an extended abstract.
Submissions are limited to 1 page including references. All
submissions must present only original and unpublished work that is
not currently under review at any other venue. Demonstrations must
include in the abstract of the paper a link to a video of up to 5
minutes hosted in a permanent location. The video must show the
existing tool or research prototype in action. Moreover,
demonstrations are encouraged to include a link to a website where the
source code of the produced software is available when it is possible.
Paper submissions must present original research or experiences.
Late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing
research are also encouraged. Only original papers that have not been
published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted.
Also, extended versions of conference or workshop papers that are
already published may be considered as long as the additional
contribution is at least 30% new content from the original. Each
submission must be written in English, accompanied by a 75 to 200-word
abstract, and a list of up to 5 keywords. There is a length limitation
of 4 pages (at least 10pt font, one-column format) for extended
abstracts including (title, abstract, figures, tables, and
references). Submissions must be in ECEASST-CFTIC 2022 template.
Authors should submit their papers electronically via the EasyChair
online submission system. (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cftic2022 )
· ECEASST-CFTIC-Latex-Template :
· ECEASST-CFTIC-Word-Template :
The submission processes will be managed by easychair If you have used
this system before, you can use the same username and password. If
this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for
an account by clicking the “I have no EasyChair account” button. Upon
completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the
system and you are ready for submitting your paper. You can upload and
re-upload the paper to the system.
CFTIC 2022 proceedings are to be published open access via the
Electronic Communications of the EASST Journal (ECEASST) indexed in
Scopus, DBLP, and listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals
(DOAJ). Selected papers presented at the workshop, after further
revision, will have the opportunity to be published in special issues
in indexed and/or high-impact factor journals (details on the
Main Contact: If you have any further questions please contact the
workshop organizers via https://www.acfti.org/contact
This Workshop is Technically Supported by
Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators (www.acfti.org)
Industrial Cybersecurity Center (www.cci-es.org)
Send by Andrew Zayin on Behalf of CFTIC2022 PC Chairs.
Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators
Twitter: @acfti
Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
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