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[FD] Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations

Dear   Cybersecurity Researchers,
          Red || Yellow || Blue Teamers,

International Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat
Investigations (IJCFATI) is the first open access, peer-reviewed,
scholarly journal, that is dedicated entirely to the study of tools,
techniques, procedures, and methodologies of Red, Yellow, and Blue

IJCFATI is a gold-open access journal, which means it does not charge
fees neither to authors nor to readers and is entirely maintained by
the Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators.

IJCFATI has just published its latest issue at
https://conceptechint.net/index.php/CFATI/issue/view/1 We invite you
to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our website to
review articles and items of interest.

Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting
articles that illustrate original research, practical, review , case
studies, and legal analysis reports related to all areas of
cybersecurity, digital forensics, incident response, and threat
investigations. Please browse through the journal website to find out
more information about the author's guidelines

A hallmark of IJCFATI is the developmental approach to reviewing; the
editorial team works closely with authors to help them develop their
works. The goal is to bring good ideas to light, rather than to put up

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,

Editorial Assistant

Vol 1, No 1-3 (2020): Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Cyber Forensics and
Advanced Threat Investigations
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3
ISSN: 2753-9997

Table of Contents

Editorial–Inaugural Issue of the IJCFATI
Pages: 1-2

Research Articles
Title: Impact of Tools on the Acquisition of RAM Memory
Author(s): Marcos Fuentes Martínez
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3.12
Pages: 3-17

Title: A Forensic Analysis of Home Automation Devices (FAHAD) Model:
Kasa Smart Light Bulb and Eufy Floodlight Camera as Case Studies
Author(s): Fahad E. Salamh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3.16
Pages: 18-26

Title: Making the Invisible Visible – Techniques for Recovering
Deleted SQLite Data Records
Author(s): Dirk Pawlaszczyk, Christian Hummert
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3.17
Pages: 27-41

Hot Spot Notes
Title: The Importance of the Three P's in the Investigation
Author(s): John William Walker
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3.15
Pages: 42-46

Title: Data Security for the SME
Author(s): John William Walker
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46386/ijcfati.v1i1-3.19
Pages: 47-52
Editorial Office
Journal of Cyber Forensics and Advanced Threat Investigations
ISSN: 2753-9997
Concept Tech Publishing,
Carryduff, United Kingdom.

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