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[FD] SEC Consult SA-20200701-0 :: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in EQDKP Plus CMS

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20200701-0 >
              title: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability
            product: EQDKP Plus CMS
 vulnerable version: <= 2.3.29
      fixed version: 2.3.30
         CVE number: -
             impact: Low
           homepage: https://eqdkp-plus.eu/
              found: 2020-04-01
                 by: Nik Ramadhan Nik Idris (Office Malaysia)
                     Farhan Rahman (Office Malaysia)
                     SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

                     An integrated part of SEC Consult
                     Europe | Asia | North America


Vendor description:
"Since 2005, EQdkp Plus is the Tool for managing your Guild and Raids.
EQdkp Plus supports a lot of Games, you can easily connect it with your
board and it's a full featured CMS."

Source: https://eqdkp-plus.eu/

Business recommendation:
Update to the latest version of EQdkp Plus. An in-depth security analysis
performed by security professionals is highly advised, as the software may be
affected from further security issues.

Vulnerability overview/description:
Reflected XSS vulnerability
A vulnerability within Search.html allows an unauthenticated attacker to inject
a client-side code which will be executed in the browser of users if they visit
the manipulated site.

Proof of concept:
Reflected XSS vulnerability
This vulnerability can be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker.
The XSS payload is injected in the search function through the 's' parameter
using the HTTP POST method.

URL : http:/eqdkp/index.php/Search.html?s=
PAYLOAD: "><script>alert(XSS")</script>

Vulnerable / tested versions:
EQDKP Plus Core versions 2.3.28 and 2.3.29 have been tested, v2.3.29 was the 
latest version
available at the time of the test.

Vendor contact timeline:
2020-04-10: Contacting vendor through web contact form 
2020-05-29: Contacting vendor;second time
2020-05-29: Vendor agreed to proceed without encrypted channel
2020-06-02: Vendor ask to send the details unencrypted to his email 
2020-06-02: Reported issue has been fixed and release patch in version 2.3.30
2020-07-01: Public release of security advisory

The fixed version => 2.3.30 of EQdkp Plus at the vendor's download page:


Advisory URL:


SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

SEC Consult
Europe | Asia | North America

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The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It
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and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult
Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation
of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our
customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid
recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.

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EOF Nik Ramadhan Nik Idris, Farhan Rahman / @2020

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