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[FD] RootedCON 2020 - Registration, Trainings, Speakers and Hacker Night

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Rooted CON 2020 will be held from 5th to 7th 2020 in Kinepolis cinemas
in Madrid (Spain). All talks are both in English and Spanish as there is
simultaneous translation (https://rootedcon.com/index/). 

As in previous editions, we have organized trainings (Bootcamps and
Rootedlabs) that will take place the days before the congress. Bootcamps
are a 3-day training, and RootedLabs 8 hours of fun :)

    Bootcamp: Practical Wireless & Radio Hacking (PWRH) - Raúl Siles
    Bootcamp: Técnicas para el desarrollo de ejercicios Red Team -
Eduardo Arriols & Roberto López (Spanish)
    Bootcamp: Web Hacking 101 & Bug Bounty Hunting - Prash Somaiya
    Bootcamp: Respuesta a incidentes de seguridad, análisis de malware y
reversing con herramientas Open Source - Abraham Pasamar (Spanish)
    Bootcamp: Sysmon Threat Hunting - Roberto Amado (Spanish)
    Bootcamp: Exploit Development for Pentesters - Pablo San Emeterio

    RootedLab: Docker & SecDevOps - Elías Grande (Spanish)
    RootedLab: Ethical Hacking & Pentesting - Pablo González (Spanish)
    RootedLab: Offensive Powershell - Pablo González (Spanish)

As a new initiative, on Friday 6th night ROOTEDCON organizes a limited
event for 200 hackers where we will focus on the search for BUGS on
private programs.

There will be a prize of € 3,000 for the best one, added to the rewards
gotten for the vulnerabilities properly reported. The contest rules will
be presented at the time of the event and will be a decision by an
evaluation committee, not only based on the number of vulnerabilities,
but also on their quality and impact.

Also we can share the first round of speakers and talks selected for
RootedCON 2020:

- Offensive DevOops - Automatizando bounties usando "la nube"... pero
sólo for fun - Borja Berastegui
- AD is dead, long live AAD. Moving laterally in the age of the cloud -
Fernando Rubio Román
- The day I ruled the world: Deceiving software developers through open
source software dependencies - Javier Junquera Sánchez & Carlos
Cilleruelo Rodríguez
- Van a mear sangre: Cómo hacer que los atacantes deseen no haber
entrado en tu red - Antonio Sanz Alcober
- Wintriage: La herramienta del "DFIRer" en sistemas Windows - Lorenzo
Martínez Rodríguez
- Stego attacks by design. A deep dive about stegoMalware & polyglots. -
Alfonso Muñoz Muñoz
- Atacando comunicaciones de voz cifradas - Jose Luis Verdeguer
- #INTERNAUTAS on the top - Ofelia Tejerina
- Hackeando los sistemas de movilidad urbana compartidos. - Ernesto
Sanchez Pno
- WordPress, another terror story. - Manuel Garcia Cardenas
- The '80s never died: automata theory for reversing modern CPUs - Pepe
- Hackeando el mundo exterior a través de Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) -
Pablo González Pérez & Álvaro Núñez - Romero Casado
- Virtual Pwned Network - Manel Molina de la Iglesia
- Hunting Malware using process behaviour - Roberto Amado Gimenez
- Todo a SIEM: ofertillas en casos de uso, mamporros en broadcast y las
APTs más guapas de la China (im)popular. - Marta López Pardal
- Fortificando contenedores en Kubernetes "like a boss" - Francisco José
Ramírez Vicente & Rafael Troncoso Pérez
- DevSecOps: into the unknown - Jesús Alcalde Alcázar & Daniel González
- Atacando la debilidad humana - Ruth Sala Ordóñez & Carmen Torrano
- BugBounty Workshop: The SpInquisitors Way - Antonio Fernandes & José
Domingo Carrillo Lencina & Roberto Fernández Vázquez
- Del cielo a infierno pasando por el entornos C.I. (Continuous
Integration) / C.D.(Continuous Deployment) - Dani (cr0hn) Garcia & César
Gallego Rodriguez
- Current Issues and Challenges in Malware Detection in Memory Forensics
- Ricardo J. Rodríguez
- Protocolos industriales, carreteras comarcales. - David Meléndez Cano
- Evading Deep Learning Malware Detectors - Javier Yuste
- Viaje al mundo perdido: en busca de los 14 'santuarios' hacker donde
comenzó todo - José Manuel Vera Ortiz & David Marugán
- Demystifying VoLTE - Arán Lora Alcázar & Victor Portal Gonzalez
- Roapt evil mass storage & Tu-ya aqui? - David Reguera Garcia & Abel
Valero Lozano

Access the registration form for both the events and trainings:

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